About Us

Associaçao Bamboo is a small, privately funded sanctuary for donkeys and unwanted dogs located in the Western Algarve (Portugal). Over the years we have rehomed over 300 dogs, but for each one that we find a loving home for another one arrives to take his or her place. All our dogs and donkeys have access to regular human contact, which includes daily energetic exercise over private farm lands. Food, water, cleaning and necessary veterinary services are provided by volunteers and subsidised by local charities. We always need financial support, volunteers (even if only during a holiday stay in Portugal), and unwanted items. Please read these pages to see how you can help.

Donations & Sponsorship

We do rely on financial support and, if you would like to help us, donations are always very much appreciated. Donations can be made via our direct link to PayPal. If you would prefer to donate by bank transfer please ask for our bank details.

You can also sponsor our dogs and donkeys; you can sponsor for six months (€60) or one year (€120) and you will receive a certificate of sponsorship. Thank you.


Associação Bamboo was established in 2000 by Nana van der Velden by purchasing 14 hectares of land and realising her ambition to set up a shelter.

Initially, she rescued 6 donkeys from the Lagos circus and then the first dogs started to arrive. The number of dogs and donkeys has grown over the ensuing years but varies according to adoptions. Over the years we have rehomed over 300 dogs.

Associaçao Bamboo would like to thank the following for their continuing support: